Booked out and Manuel helped me out with the plane. About 54 litres of fuel on board, plenty for a local, but I had to bear in mind I would be very light as it was just me as well, so get ready for a good long hold off (oeeerrr missus!).
River Severn downstream of Gloucester

In the end, I didn't go far, just a bimble around the 'bends in the river' on the River Severn, then back through the Gloucester overhead at 2500' so I could get a decent photo.
Gloucestershire Airport from 2500'

Then on to Bishops Cleeve to pick up the ATIS and call for a rejoin. There was pretty much nil wind, so I was given a direct to final on runway 22. Brought it in with a nice approach and held off well with a bit of a hop, then settled her down on the runway.
The peace and quiet on the warm summer evening after shutting her down was priceless. If only I could just leave her out, like that, lock the canopy and walk away with a loving backward glance. But of course I had to haul her back into the hangar and do the paperwork.
Hmmmm.... now where are those classified ads in Flyer?